Star Man…Conor Tierney receives a special award from Gaelic Start manager Liam McSorley in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the latest Gaelic Start coaching programme. Conor’s award was kindly sponsored by Tony Laird of Laird’s Jewellers, Bridge Street, Omagh.
THE LATEST batch of children to ‘graduate’ from the Omagh St. Enda’s Gaelic Start programme all received their medals on Saturday as the 2014/2015 sessions came to a conclusion at the CBS sports hall.
Many of the older children will now progress to our outdoor U8 Gaelic football, hurling and camogie coaching sessions. Well done to all the coaches and parents who helped throughout the programme when upwards of 100 children attended each week.
A special word of mention must go to Liam McSorley who has been the driving force behind Gaelic Start for the past number of years. This year was Liam’s final programme and St. Enda’s is deeply indebted to him for his commitment in nurturing a new generation of young St. Enda’s starlets.
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