The Omagh St. Enda’s senior team which defeated Dungannon in the 1954 senior championship final to win the first ever three-in-a-row in the county. Back row (left to right) – Hugh Donnelly, Paddy Corey, Sean Donnelly, Jackie Taggart, Harry Scully, Kevin Murphy, Donal McSorley, Dr. Pat O’Neill, Donal Donnelly. Front row (left to right) – Jackie Martin, Colm MacRory, Eddie Mulholland, Thady Turbett (capt), Eddie Knox, Michael McGread, Tony Campbell, Gabrielle Brock.
MONDAY MEMORIES…Following the huge reaction from our supporters when we published a photo of a 1933 St. Enda’s senior team recently, we are now commencing a new series on our facebook and web pages – “Monday Memories”.
We are continuing to try and source vital memorabilia within the club and if you have, or know of anyone who might have any old St. Enda’s photographs or items of interest (medals, team jersies etc), please get in touch with club PRO Dominic McClements on 07725351643 or email pro.omaghstendas.tyrone@gaa.ie. We will return all original photos or items to the owner.
This week’s photo is of our 1954 senior football team which became the first team to win the three-in-a-row of Tyrone senior championship titles. Have we identified all those in the photo correctly? Also let us know if you are connected to anyone in the photo.