Omagh St. Enda’s GAA Senior Team, 1933 – 1934. Back row (left to right) – Jackie Doody, Mick McCrossan, Eddie Phillips, Paddy Turbett, Seamus Bonnar, Jim McCullagh, Ned McLaughlin, Brian Donnelly, Gerard McCanny, James Turbett (Snr). Front row (left to right) – Jimmy Turbett, Colm McGillion, Patrick Gallagher, Noel McCrumlish, Barney Casey, Kevin Curran, John Lynam, Bobby Chesters, Paddy Mossey. Mascot – Joe Mellon.
St. Enda’s nostalgia. We have just come in to possession of this gem of a photo of a St. Enda’s senior team of 1933/1934. If you have, or know of anyone who might have any old St. Enda’s photographs or memorabilia, please get in touch with club PRO Dominic McClements on 07725351643 or email pro.omaghstendas.tyrone@gaa.ie. We will return all original photos or items to the owner.
Have we identified all those in the photo correctly? Let us know if you are connected to anyone in the photo.